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What a great day yesterday, one of those that starts off as one thing and ends up as another. Built a set of shelves for my dad- and by “built” I mean dumped the contents of the box out and proceeded to follow the universally understandable 1-2-3 instructions to a towering column just minutes later. You know, built. So, yeah, somehow instead of going along my merry way, those shelves led to cleaning out the entire garage. Something I’ve wished to do for years only to be deterred by a stubborn dad resting on nothing but the claim that it’s his right to do as he pleases. Indeed. However, I choose clutter-free functionality. Of course he raved afterwards, how he never knew it could be like this and “Wow!” to that and the other. He earned an “I told you so” from all involved, as I’d called in the troops several hours in. I answer to the name “Sore” currently, though entirely worth it, visions of long dead mouse remains included.

And then there were these. Earlier in the week, I returned home to find sunflowers waiting. Not quite at the door, but nearly. Bean dropped off a bunch to brighten the day. These’ve had red dye added to them making that petal in the top shot especially becoming, the dye having spread all throughout its many little veins.


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