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A moment of yuletide cheer this season: while driving through Seattle, I turned into a lane behind a pristinely kept hearse, charcoal grey in color* with a license plate containing 666 (don’t worry, that’s not the moment). I continued on, reaching the EMP, where upon pulling into the lot, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a big red fat man covered in beer. And behind him, St.Nick!

He harkened a bit more towards the St. Nicholas of the Old World than that of a department store Santa, what with his long crimson robe and holly tucked into his hat. He waved “hello” to the nearby cops on duty as well as the rotund aproned caterers sharing a smoke break on the corner. He pointed towards the holiday wreath attached to the front end of my car offering a thumbs up as he wandered past off into the distance.


Enjoyed some holiday doughnuts today including this nifty red-scarfed snowman. Bit off his little head and he promptly pooped out the other end in response. I was so excited to try this Kreme of Krispy I’d heard so much about over the years once it arrived in our area sometime back. I wasn’t disappointed, especially when eating a glazed straight off the belt. The melty mouth aspect is pretty nifty, but having been raised on Dunkin’, I still miss them occasionally as they ended up mass evacuating all nearby cities years ago. Thankfully, their coffee is available for purchase in the local markets and often makes its way home with me.


* While typing, autocorrect decided to correct my auto (see what I did there?) by changing the word “color” to “odor.” It being a hearse, it would seem fitting.


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