A trip to the best (local) fair on earth turned up scads of fine feathered friends, expansive spreads of vegetable wonders and sugar. Lots of sugar.

These two were tucked away in their down, eyes shut to the world outside.

Seemingly ready for duck, duck, goose, with the makings of a circular formation even.

The granges from a variety of counties are always a gorgeous site, some more creative than others, but all still lovely. Ginormous pumpkins take up more than their fair share of space in a corner of the hall with plenty of standers-by gawking together, young and old alike.

Our cotton candy had a meeting of the minds, but with not much more than fluff ’n’ stuff upstairs, it was over in a nano. Mine made like Marge on a stick. Just don’t call her a Conehead.

Can’t forget this little guy- wearing his food container as a beret. Tray chic!