A small window into yesterday’s heaps and heaps of potato peelings! Thanks, Dad. Tag teamed a generous pile in preparation for mascarpone mashed potatoes with bacon shallot gravy. Definitely a combo to repeat!

Easter is always so lovely- my turn to host again. I like (read: totally flippin’ LOVE) taking care of people and hosting feels like just such an opportunity. AND, this means I get to play with Peeps- I still like things on a stick, what can I say? They’re (a bit) tastier than paper umbrellas, so onto the straws they went. Have next time around’s idea already in place- though nary a stick in mind.

Bought some petits fours cuz they were so perdy, only to find them a disappointment. I made some Cadbury brownie cookie bars that faired far better.

Got to indulge in two obsessions- eggs and color- this being our team effort result. I see egg salad in my future.
Now to prep for this week’s jury duty …