My dad called to tell me he had a surprise for me last week. A short time later, he pulled up to park for our weekly grocery foray. Told me to close my eyes and hold out my hand in which he then placed a snowball. It snowed early one morning a few days into spring, and when he heard I’d missed it, he made a snowball from his yard and kept it in the freezer until it was time to head over. The most thoughtful surprise! Especially since he detests snow. There it is long turned to ice, melting on my car seat.
Taking a quick break from all the Easter prepping for tomorrow. I’ve bought too much ham, and it’s one of the better “problems” I’ve ever had. And I’m just now realizing that I’ve wasted my opportunity to introduce my love of April Fool’s Day to my Easter guests. I still have to devil the eggs, maybe there’s an opportunity there, I’ll see.

Look at some of the spring I encountered on my way into Trader Joe’s. Reminds me of the talk of weather by Trevor Noah in his opening bit last week at the Paramount. Bean got us tickets and he was so darn funny, better than I’d even hoped, with stories galore.

Wish I could remember what the heck I looked up that left me with this sad return on investment, but I can’t. I was really looking forward to the accompanying video only to be met with what felt like a little bit of early April Fool’s. Struck me funny, at least.