Hot diggity. A shot at nearly every angle of a recentish decadent sandwich. My eyes are often hungry, too! As shared in times past, I do love this particular combo, though more often than not, nestled betwixt two halves of a bagel. Even so, it’s a rare indulgence, averaging no more than once a year as of late.
I once helped supervise a bagel shop years and years ago as a second job, and when asked of my favorite bagel concoction in the interview to secure said job, I waxed on about the joys of crisp bacon paired with crunchy peanut butter atop a toasty buttered cinnamon-raisin bagel. They went on to hire me anyway, despite my unorthodox choice, though when first meeting the rabbi who made weekly visits to check that everything met kosher standards, I had egg on more than just my morning bagel.