It's late, or early, depending on how you look at it. Got back from a drive recently. Nothing like a drive at night with loud music to clear my mind! The Afghan Whigs | 1965 CD. I'm looking for a new place to do some volunteering. I hate when I'm all full of myself without an outlet to be giving somewhere, contributing something. A key to happiness, make someone else happy. Not that I'm not busy enough trying to complete all the steps towards getting established in the art world. I'm already four months down in my little one year dedicated plan. And, I haven't even sent anything to New York yet. Soon, I can focus on having a more balanced and full life, the way I want. Hurry eight months, pass quickly! Not to wish my life away, of course. It's about the journey as they say, just seems like I'm constantly on the journey and never reaching any of the goals. Things can happen so fast though, snap, just like that, new and good things. I will get where I'm going soon enough. Ah, late night/early morning ramblings, these are always more fun with someone to share it all with. But, at least I'm finally blogging. :)
Tonight was fun! Hung out with Miss Shannon- Shannie-poo, are you here on MySpace yet, you know I'm waiting, and then you'll read this, and know I'm still calling you Shannie-poo. You should challenge me to a seven mile run. You're shorter, I'm taller, you're faster, I'm slower …
My sister went to a concert at the Showbox tonight. Tomorrow the two of us are going to The Corpse Bride and Flight Plan. I'd like to see Lord of War. We'll see. More painting tomorrow, too. I hope I can complete the mural tomorrow! Time to start something new.
Okay, sleep. The sheets are going to be so cold for the first five minutes.