It wasn’t Crystal, but there was a lake! Spent a portion of the last two days packing up each and every item in my dad’s house due to water damage- leaky piping. That demo shot is the hallway. And to think I started the year wondering if I’d have to clean out my dad’s home, but due to a much more grim reason. This water issue is nothing in comparison, though I find it a bit comical that I still ended up having to pack it up, pack it in.
The weary worn carpet of too many years past will finally make an exit, a bonus perk from the whole ordeal. Watching the plumbers cut through all the lovely hardwood lying beneath made me a bit sad- team wood, not carpet. I dared to wear a sign of luck in starting the day, and furthermore, document it. I suppose it is a bit of luck that my dad seems to be handling the situation fairly well.
And the number of hours it took to box it all up? Thirteen, (super) naturally.