Blue and Brown! Two lovely birds such as these (from years past) have commandeered the rafters just this last week with a spectacular nest stuffed with the sweetest downy feathers and woven together in a most magnificent fashion. All manner of twig, branch, mud and general naturey goodness has been employed in the making. And look out if one dare tarry too long in their presence- swooped at most certainly and possibly pecked shall one be.

So, so, so grateful I didn’t knock the darn thing down! Several nights ago, I returned home from Cameron Crowe’s latest flick, Aloha– listening to the soundtrack this very- to find a little girl of no more than threeish-four in a light pink sundress and bare feet, standing in the road just past the mailboxes. Attached to her by way of hand was a security officer gently padding her along from his stopped car to mine. I opened the window to ask if everything was okay- barefoot munchkin at midnight?- and he promptly asked if I knew her and where she might live. A few others quickly congregated seemingly out of nowhere- open windows on warm nearly summer nights may be a clue- yet none knew of her. Silent, she stayed, small index finger tapping her upper lip. He’d found her on the playground and determined that a call to the police was the next step. As I pulled away, a woman walked up with the words, “YOU’RE supposed to be inside with Grandma,” falling from her mouth. Wish she’d seemed a bit more loving and less irritated for such a young child, though I don’t know the woman’s heart nor thoughts. Perhaps she was scared, angry, relieved, elated and embarrassed all at the same time.

Parked and began the short trek upstairs with a big, big jungle of a new plant and the days accumulation- bag, purchases, and a package or two from the mail. Balancing it all, I looked quite the sight I’m sure as I felt my way up the stairs more so than saw my way, the big, big jungle of a new plant obscuring my vision and towering above my head. I only discovered the nest because of the furious aerial attack felt all around as much fluttering and rushing of air occurred. Plopping the plant, purchases and packages down at the door, I turned to see the welcomed sight of Blue and Brown and their new digs. I cringe to think how close the plant leaves likely were to touching their nest. Funny, these birds had come to mind in recent days, but hadn’t yet arrived at the time. New neighbors!