Three French Hens?

A handful of years ago, I started a Twelve Days of Christmas tradition with Bean as the first recipient. Since then, most years, someone receives twelve days of somethin’ from someone, sometimes playful and creative, other times with more bells and whistles from the money pile. This year, the thirteenth rolled around and my only thought was, “Just missed a Friday. Poo(p).” So, it was with total, complete, utter extra flippin’ delightful surprise that this happened:
ASIDE: We have a thing in our family where there are dolls- stuffed beings, fabrics filled with stuffings, our traveling gnomes- as mentioned and showcased in times past, that we’ve bestowed “personalities” upon, much like puppeteers might. Not quite sure how it evolved, but it has, and friends and family just go with it. Kinda like the high school boyfriend and his two pet dogs- voices were employed and fun had by all. Though perhaps, not by the dogs…
Cast of Characters
Deborah = Davis
Tina = Colin
Boopenny/Boop/Boobers = Shane’s British Boo (he remains fine with it)

And I swore she was going to have me look for her lost silver crown earring.

The first gifting was a build-a-snowman kit. Took some photos as I built him, and decided to time lapse the melt, but just moments after his quick build, he’d already begun the descent to pancake status. Proof in the puddin’.
Puddin’ = film
Painting by Will Bullas