Me in my window seat this a.m. contemplating the Star Trekkian lines of the view in front of me. Not really a true match, but I do feel kinda spacey. Pass the... coffee? Bring... the tea.
Good gosh, you guys, what've I done? When in Hollywood, Pink's makes a fine laaate breakfast-slash-early lunch, yeah? Behold, the Giada De Laurentiis, a behometh awaiting demolition. A partial demo, that is. Chatted with an older gent in line who noticed my Betties. He's been coming here since 1964, ordering one chili dog and one chili burger every time. Says he used to tell dates he was gonna take 'em to a movie and follow it with the finest restaurant in town. #NiceToMeetYou #Diggity #WheresTheDog

Requires a knife, a fork, perhaps a spoon.

Yep. Pink.

Hollywood run by reptilians? You decide.
Just leaving Amoeba Music where the interior offers the perfect paint to music ratio.

In the garage...


Elevator go up...
Last night's dinner at Little Dom's was a bit too wham-bam-thank-you, but as I was a drop-in where reservations are frequently full up, I was lucky to score a spot at the bar. When I stood to leave, there, tucked under the bar's edge, was a lone brass plaque engraved with the words "Dan and Rachel met here 2014." That sweet little ode was the perfect dessert.

Signage as appetizer.


We're a bit blurry and looking every which wonky way, but there's love and excitement here. Disney all day!
Love the Guardians- new art for a wall? A fly on the wall... Things not available in the gift shop.

Here's Finding Dory's Becky repping last night's Splash Mountain experience. Found her mural along Pixar Pier. Soggy this, wetter that! Drenched from drippy bun to soppy sandals. Bean and I were in the front two seats WITH ponchos. Whatever bits weren't soaked with the first splash, were covered by the second. Remembered I had a hood! Thought it'd help for splashes yet to come, but quickly found it was filled with the wet stuff which promptly ran down my head, face, and back (!). Haven't laughed that hard or long all trip. ❤

Show stealer.

Indulged my movie love with breakfast at Rae's, a diner featured in True Romance, one of my faves.


Coffee, please.

Order up in record time. Dressed with hot sauce soon after.
The sand is rather divine. And, purely for observational purposes, mine eyes weren't prepared for the level of beefcake encountered here at the pier. Been under the boardwalk (good song) where I've found sweet families sand-castling alongside gulls feasting on a fellow bird carcass while a bum sleeps hard just down the way. The dichotomy in life both thrills and chills me.

Dead bird carcass just out of frame for your protection.

Carnival rides make me happy.
At LACMA this afternoon, where a small typography exhibit included works by my favorite '60s poster artists like Victor Moscoso and Wes Wilson- check out his iconic peacock piece. Discovered Joan Brown's Girl In Chair, the detailed shot here doesn't do justice to the sheer volume of paint she slabbed on the canvas, nor does it reveal the blues, yellow, and deeper pink with which my eyes had a brief love affair. Outdoors, a bus pulled up and out dashed over twenty couples with music in tow. A ballroom dance flash mob! One of the dancers, Marina, joined my table to change shoes and chat about worries over her new suede ones on pavement. Day, made!

Yellow dress. ❤️

My eyes wanna see an owl versus a peacock.

A face to love.